Peer-to-Peer Webinar

Bridging Knowledge Gaps with Adaptive Brush-Up Courses to empower students

Tuesday October 22, 2024

  • Session 1: 11:00 - 11:45 am CET (Central European Time)
  • Session 2: 11:00 - 11:45 am ET (Eastern Time)

Why should you participate in this webinar?

By joining, you will learn from peers and:

The Challenge:
Often there are broad differences in the skills and knowledge of students within a course. The diversity creates challenges for both the students and the teachers. On the one hand, students can feel uncomfortable because they are lacking the necessary skills to follow lectures and materials. On the other hand, teachers may have a hard time maintaining attention in class and keeping a comfortable learning environment for all students without losing the initial course objective out of sight.

The Solution:
During this webinar on October 22, 2024 we share how integrating brush-up courses before and throughout a course can address this challenge. These are targeted refresher modules designed to help students reinforce foundational knowledge or fill in specific gaps. By offering these courses, educators can ensure that all students have the essential knowledge they need to succeed, regardless of their starting point.

Furthermore we also discuss how utilising an interactive adaptive application to create and integrate these brush-up courses seamlessly into your curricula. Multiple higher education institutions already use Grasple to deliver interactive, personalised learning experiences tailored to individual student needs, making it a powerful solution for bridging diverse knowledge gaps. 

The Speakers:

  • Dr. Fulya Kula, University of Twente
  • Elisabeth Schmoutziguer, Grasple

Dr Fulya Kula and Elisabeth Schmoutziguer as speakers for the Grasple Webinar about Brush Up Courses and bridging knowledge gaps in students

By the end of this webinar, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to take simple steps in continuously improving your students' learning experience, and ultimately improve their academic success. This is an opportunity to innovate your teaching methods, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their starting point.

There will be two time slots for this webinar so you can choose which moments fits better in your calendar!

  • Session 1: 11:00 - 11:45 am CET (Central European Time)
  • Session 2: 11:00 - 11:45 am ET (Eastern Time)

You can sign up via the registration form on the right. Hope to see you on October 22!