Pre-Calculus Exercises

Grasple offers ready to use courses on pre-calculus, starting with algebraic expressions up to trigonometric and polynomial functions.

Give your students interactive open math exercises with direct specific feedback and gain insights into what topics they struggle with.

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Graphic of trigonometry

Open Pre-Calculus Exercises

These math exercises have been created by OpenStax and adapted by Grasple. All materials are CC licensed. Feel free to reuse, remix and redistribute these exercises as long as you make a proper attribution.  For full access to all materials you can sign up for a free teacher account or contact


Indicates whether a lesson/explanation is available per subject
10 Indicates if and how many exercises are currently available per subject
Content has an open Creative Commons license
Content will be released with an open Creative Commons license in the near future

Looking for more material?

We have plenty of interactive exercises for pre-algebra. But when you’re looking for something more advanced, we’ve got you covered too. Click on the topics below to view more openly licensed practice material, or simply create your own.

About Grasple

We make Math and Statistics Education more engaging by offering an online practice platform. With this, educators can create interactive exercises, and students can practice these exercises while receiving immediate feedback on their efforts.

Curious to learn more?
Create a free Teacher Account and start creating your own interactive exercises today.


Graphic of people sitting around a table.

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