Integrate Grasple
within your LMS
Embed Grasple in your Learning Management System via LTI, making it directly accessible to your teachers and students.

Grasple is the ideal LTI Plugin for the major Learning Management Systems.
For more information click the logo of your LMS.
Using another LMS? Grasple also works with every other system supporting LTI integrations.
Ask us about that integration!
Embed content into your LMS
Embed specific content from your tailored course into your LMS, making it directly accessible to your students in the environment they are used to.
Select specific content
Add Grasple as external tool and select the specific content from your tailored courses.

Access content directly
The content from your tailored course is directly accessible within the LMS by clicking the generated link.

Embedded Practice
Students can now practice using Grasple embedded inside your LMS.
Login with your University Account

For Dutch universities we are connected to the Single Sign-on (SSO) service SURFConext. Let your students login to Grasple using their University Account making it easy and secure.
The Grasple LTI integration uses your University Account to login the user into Grasple. This makes the access to Grasple easy and secure.